Global Neurosurgery at the 76th World Health Assembly (2023): First NeurosurgeryDriven Resolution Calls for Micronutrient Fortification to Prevent Spina Bifida

Martina Gonzalez Gomez,Anastasia Arynchyna-Smith,Kemel A. Ghotme,Roxanna Garcia,Walter D. Johnson,Frederick A. Boop,Kee B. Park,Adrian Caceres, Rosa A. Pardo Vargas,Ruben Ayala,Geoffrey Ibbotson, Natalie Sheneman, Daniel B. Peterson, Eylem Uecal,Arsene Daniel Nyalundja, Jesus La Fuente,Tariq Khan, Laura Hobart-Porter,Richard P. Moser, Yakob S. Ahmed, Najia El Abbadi,Sarah Woodrow, Kristin Sundell,Saskia J. M. Osendarp, Homero Martinez, Jeffrey P. Blount,Gail L. Rosseau


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Since 2018, a neurosurgery delegation has been actively engaged and consistently present at the World Health Assembly. Recognizing the growing impact of neurosurgical diseases, the neurosurgery delegation participated in the 76th World Health Assembly in May 2023, advocating for timely, safe, and affordable global neurosurgical care. The delegation focused on forging new collaborations, strengthening the World Health Organization -World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies official relations, and actively supporting resolutions that impact the neurosurgical patients. However, there is a long advocacy journey ahead to address unmet neurosurgical needs. Patient-centered advocacy is an inherent task of our profession and the essence of the Global Neurosurgery Bogota Declaration of 2016. The highlight of the 76th World Health Assembly was the adoption of the first neurosurgery-driven resolution calling for micronutrient fortification to prevent spina bifida and other micronutrient deficiencies. For the last 4 years, the Global Alliance for Prevention of Spina Bifida, a group spearheaded by neurosurgeons, advocated for spina bifida prevention. This Alliance collaborated with many stakeholders, notably, the Colombian government to promote the resolution: "Accelerating efforts for preventing micronutrient deficiencies and their consequences, including spina bifida and other neural tube defects, through safe and effective food fortification." This is a proud milestone for the neurosurgical profession. There are many strategies available for neurosurgeons, when working together with elected leaders, other stakeholders, and allied professionals, to implement initiatives that can prevent future cases of spina bifida and other neurological disorders and reduce the burden of neurosurgical disease.
Folic acid,Fortification,Global neurosurgery,Global surgery,Resolution,Spina bifida,World health assembly
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