Thin Coatings of Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) Enhance Nickel Electrodeposition and Nickel-Catalyzed Hydrogen Evolution


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Nickel nanoparticle electrodeposition is studied on flat glassy carbon (GC) or on nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide (rGO-N) substrates. The effects of a very thin (nominally 16 nm) layer polymer of intrinsic microporosity (PIM-1) are investigated (i) on enhancing nickel nanoparticle nucleation and growth during electrodeposition and (ii) on enhancing hydrogen evolution electrocatalysis. Beneficial effects are tentatively assigned to PIM-1 suppressing blocking effects from interfacial hydrogen bubble formation. Exploratory data suggest that in aqueous 0.5 M NaCl solution (artificial seawater) nickel nanoparticles grown into a thin film of PIM-1 could be a viable electrocatalyst with an onset of hydrogen evolution only slightly negative compared to that observed for platinum nanoparticles. Nickel electrodeposition into a thin layer of polymer of intrinsic microporosity (PIM-1) coating yields well-defined metal nanoparticles, resulting in an enhanced catalytic hydrogen evolution by suppressing the gas-bubble blocking effects. With respect to platinum based-nanoparticles, on the same substrate, such an electrocatalyst has a comparable onset value for hydrogen evolution. image
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Key words
hydrogen energy,sustainability,metal nanoparticles,electrolysis,gas evolution
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