The magical power of physical activity: the 10-pillar model Guidelines for promotion of physical activity and motivation of behavioral changes: "never more important than now". German version


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Numerous international studies have shown the sad reality that more than one quarter of all adults worldwide lead a sedentary and inactive lifestyle. In contrast, physical activity has a positive or pleiotropic effect on all organs and organ systems. This effect like a "polypill", prevents or reduces the occurrence of a multitude of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is never too early and never too late to become physically active and start with regular movement. As such, sports medicine examination essentially includes counselling and motivation of healthy and sick people to start with regular exercise, physical activity and sport. The motivation pyramid is strongly recommended for promoting physical activity considering the steps 1-5. Every doctor at every patient contact should ask about physical activity as the fifth vital sign. Counselling for physical activity must take the individual life circumstances, the life habits, the objectives and possibilities for implementation of the person into account. Healthy persons and patients should be included in the decision on the planned activity. This includes assistance for the practical implementation as well as overcoming obstacles through practice-related problem solving. Based on the transtheoretical model sequence intention to plan, preparation, action and adherence, analogue and digital possibilities such as wearables for observational follow-up are helpful. They enable supervision, feedback and teach back support. Exercise prescription for health and motivational guidance brings about the necessary sustainability and adherence to physical activity. The strongest argument of the advice for healthy and persons is those who are physically active feel better, stay fitter, live better and longer!
Sedentary lifestyle,Motivation pyramid,Exercise prescription,Prevention,Vital signs
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