Effect of basic fibroblast growth factor with collagen/gelatin fixture in a rabbit model of nasal septum perforation


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Introduction: The treatment of nasal septum perforation solely by surgical intervention presents significant challenges. This study evaluated the effect of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in combination with collagen/gelatin on wound healing of nasal septum perforation in a rabbit animal model. Methods: A nasal septum perforation rabbit model was created. bFGF was added to a collagen/gelatin fixture and placed adjacent to the perforation, which is a complete defect. The rabbits were divided into three groups: the sham group that underwent the surgical procedure only, bFGF (-) group that received collagen/gelatin fixture without bFGF, and bFGF(+) group that received collagen/gelatin fixture with bFGF. The dimensions of the perforations were measured after 4 weeks, and the septum was subjected to histological examination. Results: All perforations remained open in the sham group (closure rate: 20.4%-83.1%). The closure rates of the bFGF(-) and bFGF(+) groups were 49.4%-68.8% and 72.7%-10 0%, respectively. No significant difference was noted in the closure rates between the sham and bFGF(-) groups; however, significant differences were observed between the sham and bFGF(+) groups, and the bFGF(-) and bFGF(+) groups (p < 0.05), indicating that bFGF promoted perforation closure. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that bFGF with collagen/gelatin carrier promoted wound healing in a rabbit model of nasal septum perforation. (c) 2024, The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/ 4.0/).
Basic fibroblast growth factor,Wound healing,Three-dimensional defect,Nasal mucosa regeneration,Drug delivery system
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