Association of upper extremity anthropometry and subcutaneus adipose tissue with carpal tunnel syndrome

Elif Sarica Darol,Esen Cicekli, Saadet Sayan,Dilcan Kotan,Murat Alemdar


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Background and purpose - Body mass index (BMI) is positively correlated with the frequency of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). However, there are different types of obesity, and the localization of adipose tissue differs between the genders. In this study, we purposed to investigate whether there was an association between the amount of local adipose tissue thickness and anthropometry in upper extremity with the presence and/or electrophysiological severity of CTS on both genders. Methods - Our study included 150 patients who were diagnosed with CTS clinically and electrophysiologically and 165 healthy controls. The biceps and triceps skinfold thickness, the diameters of the wrist and metacarpal joints, and the upper arm circumferences over the belly of the biceps muscle were measured by using skinfold caliper and measuring cylinder. All data were analyzed by using the Statistics Open For All package (SofaStats) programme. To detect the role of anthropometric indexes, we used multivariable multinomial logistic regression models. Results - We revealed that BMI, biceps and triceps adipose tissue thicknesses were higher in females and also in patients with CTS. There was a positive correlation between electrophysiological grades of CTS and BMI with logistic regression analyzes. The mean Wrist circumference/Metacarpopharengeal Circumference ratio and biceps circumference were higher in moderate CTS groups. Metacarpofarengeal circumference was smaller in mild and moderate CTS cases compared to healthy ones. Conclusion - We suggest that the differences between the anatomical bone structure and local adiposity between the genders may play an important role in the occurrence of CTS. Moreover, the structures of proximal muscle groups and distal metacarpal joints may contribute both to the development and severity of CTS.
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Key words
adipose tissue thickness,anthropometry,gender,carpal tunnel syndrome
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