Epidemiology of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Manado City: 2015-2020


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Introduction: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by the dengue virus transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. DHF is still a significant health problem in Indonesia, especially in Manado. This study aimed to analyze the epidemiology trend of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Manado City in 2015-2020. Methods: This ecological research was conducted in Manado City from February to July 2023. This research used secondary data from the Manado Health Office. Data analysis was carried out univariately. Results: This study showed that since 2011 -currently, four peaks of dengue fever were found, namely in 2012 (308 cases), 2016 (521 cases), 2019 (589 cases), and 2022 (598 cases). The prevalence of dengue cases decreased significantly in 2016-2017 and 2019-2020, with the lowest decrease occurring in 2019-2020. Furthermore, it was found that the distribution of dengue fever in Manado City in 2015-2020 based on sex increased in 2016 and 2019 and, decreased in 2017 and 2020, and was more dominant in the male sex. The highest distribution of dengue fever in Manado City in 2015-2020 was found in the age group of 6-11 years, followed by 0-5 years. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the prevalence of DHF in Manado City fluctuates every year, mainly in Mapanget and Malalayang subdistricts; most sufferers are male and aged 6-11 years.
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Dengue hemorrhagic fever,Manado city,prevalence
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