Early regeneration stage in upper-montane forests in the southern plateau of Santa Catarina state

Maria Julia Carvalho Cruz,Ana Carolina da Silva,Pedro Higuchi, Victoria Oliveira Cabral Hassan, Victoria Guimaraes Raupp, Guilherme Fortkamp


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the early regeneration stage in previously deforested and cattle -occupied areas of high montane mixed forest in Sao Joaquim National Park, in the "Planalto Sul Catarinense" region. The study was conducted in two areas in the early successional stage, which had already been inventoried in 2014 and 2018. In each area, 20 plots of 10 x 10 m were established in transects of 20 x 100 m. In 2022, the sites were inventoried again, with all living (>= 1 m in height and < 5 cm DBH - diameter at breast height), recruited (>= 1 m in height), dead, and outgrowth (>= 5 cm DBH) individuals recorded and identified (recruited). The effective richness (Number of Hill) and dynamic rates were determined for the inventory periods (2014-2018-2022). The results show that succession occurs in the areas as species richness increases and dynamic turnover decreases. We conclude that succession occurs with great spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Populations can be grouped according to their dynamic patterns (fast -slow) and ability to become established in the areas (winners -losers).
Forest ecology,Natural regeneration,Phytosociology
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