A survey on Palmer amaranth (Amaranthuspalmeri S. Wats.) in Cukurova region of Trkiye

Filiz Erbas,Mehmet Nedim Dogan,Suleyman Gurdal Turkseven,Ali Riza Ongun, Safiye Pinar Tunali, Cuneyt Ulgen, Anil Altug Pek, Mahmut Ertem


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Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) is a troublesome weed that causes significant damage to crops in many agricultural areas, and is considered an invasive species in many countries around the world. It was identified in 2016 and registered as a new species in the flora of Turkiye. Therefore, a study was conducted to survey this weed at regional scale in Cukurova Region of Turkiye in 2020. Studies were performed in Adana, Hatay, Mersin and Osmaniye provinces of Turkiye. The frequency, weed coverage (in agricultural areas) and density (in non-agricultural areas) of this weed were calculated. In evaluation of 456 coordinate points, frequency was calculated as 32%, although it was over 45% in some districts. A. palmeri coverage in the agricultural areas was found averagely 21.5%, and the density in the non-agricultural areas was 6.2 plants m-2. The agricultural areas where it has been observed mostly consist of citrus groves, corn, cotton and peanut fields. Results showed that A. palmeri became common in Cukurova region. Therefore, special attention should be paid to prevent spreading of this species to the other regions and effective management methods of this weed should be investigated.
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Key words
Palmer amaranth,distribution,abundance,density,frequency
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