Kureika-Tunguska Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, northern East Siberia

S. V. Frolov, C. G. Akhmanov, N. I. Korobova, E. A. Bakay,N. P. Fadeeva, N. S. Shevchuk

Geological Society, London, Memoirs(2024)

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Abstract The Kureika-Tunguska Composite Tectonic-Stratigraphic-Sedimentary Element (KT CTSE) is located in East Siberia. Geologically, it is confined to the homonymic basin in the northwestern part of the Siberian Craton. The basement of the basin is composed of Archean-Early Proterozoic metamorphic rocks. The sedimentary cover is composed of Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterosoic and Early Paleozoic predominantly carbonate rocks capped with a succession of Pennsylvanian-Permian coal bearing sediments overlain by thick section of Early Triassic tuffs and lavas. The entire sedimentary cover, especially its upper part, is saturated with mafic intrusive bodies. The maximum depth to the top basement can exceed 10 km. The KT CTSE is characterized by a very low exploration degree. Rather scarce prospecting works for oil and gas have not yet yielded positive results. However, indirect data, such as numerous bitumen fields, evidence of the source rocks, etc. are promising for the potential discoveries including large hydrocarbon accumulations.
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