Analysis of Static Characteristics of the Sensory Part of the UAV Parameters Measurement System

Jozef Novotňák,Martin Fiľko,Zoltán Szőke, Jaroslav Kessler, Adam Polaković

2024 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA)(2024)

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The article discusses the measurement of static properties of strain gauge sensors used in the unmanned vehicle parameter measurement system, with which it is possible to measure the total thrust of an unmanned aerial vehicle, the thrusts of individual motors, and based on a mathematical model of dynamics, it is possible to determine the position angles by means of the thrust conversion, which can later be used during tuning PID controllers. In addition to the mentioned measurements, the article also delves into the theoretical foundation of force sensing through such sensors and the impact of environmental conditions on the accuracy of these sensors. Understanding the static properties of sensors is crucial, particularly in ensuring high measurement accuracy in various surrounding conditions where the measurement is conducted.
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Key words
strain gauge,static characteristics,UAV
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