Retrospective Analysis of Injuries Resulting from Traffic Accidents

Medical Records(2024)

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Aim: To evaluate injuries and organ damage occurring in traffic accidents, and the cause of death in cases with mortality. Material and Method: The study included cases involved in traffic accidents who presented at hospital in a 4-year period. The cases were evaluated in respect of age, gender, injuries, alcohol consumption, form of involvement in traffic, and cause of death in deceased cases. The data were analyzed using SPSS vn. 26.0 software. Results: The total 3039 cases included in the study comprised 68.08% males and 31.92% females. Of the cases who presented at hospital, 4.11% died. The age group most involved in accidents was the 20-29 years group. The bones most frequently fractured were the costae. According to body regions, the nasal bone was the bone most often fractured in the head region, the humerus in the upper extremities, the pubis in the pelvis, the tibia in the lower extremities, and the costae in the chest region. The abdominal organ most often damaged was the liver. Conclusion: A statistically significant correlation was determined between gender and fractures of the ischium, sacrum, iliac, and pubic bones, with these fractures seen more in females than males. This higher rate of pelvic fractures in females can be attributed to the differences in male and female pelvic anatomy.
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