When Imbalance Meets Imbalance: Structure-driven Learning for Imbalanced Graph Classification

WWW 2024(2024)

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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) can learn representative graph-level features to achieve efficient graph classification. But GNNs usually assume an environment where both class and structure distribution are balanced. Although previous works have considered the graph classification problem under the scenario of class imbalance or structure imbalance, they habitually ignored the obvious fact that class imbalance and structural imbalance are often intertwined in the real world. In this paper, we propose a carefully designed structure-driven learning framework called ImbGNN to address the potential intertwined class imbalance and structural imbalance in graph classification. Specifically, we find that feature-oriented augmentation (e.g., feature masking) and structure-oriented augmentation (e.g., edge perturbation) will have differential impacts when applied to different graphs. Therefore, we design optional augmentation based on the average degree distribution to alleviate structural imbalance. Furthermore, based on the imbalance of graph size distribution, we utilize a similarity-friendly graph random walk to extract a core subgraph to improve the accuracy of graph kernel similarity calculation, and then construct a more reasonable kernel-based graph of graphs, thereby alleviating the class imbalance and size imbalance. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed ImbGNN framework outperforms previous baselines on imbalanced graph classification tasks. The code of ImbGNN is available in~https://github.com/Xiaovy/ImbGNN.
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