
Theoretical spectroscopic electronic elucidation with polar and non-polar solvents (IEFPCM model), molecular docking and molecular dynamic studies on bendiocarb -antiallergic drug agent

Journal of Molecular Liquids(2024)

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The potential antiallergic compound bendiocarb was studied theoretically by polar and non-polar (six) solvents (IEFPCM model) by quantum chemical DFT calculations. Rotational potential barriers were estimated for water, acetone, THF, chloroform, benzene, and toluene are 12.62, 12.45, 12.55, 12.69, 12.74 and 12.57 kJ/mol. Analysis was done on the variations in geometries brought about by the electronegative atom’s replacement as well as the intramolecular interactions caused by the benzodioxol ring. NBO analysis as well as geometrical equilibrium have been performed using DFT employing the B3LYP technique with the 6-311G++(d, p) basis set. In vibrational analysis, CH stretching of bendiocarb was theoretically estimated within 3207–3181 cm−1 (gas), 3207–3184 cm−1 (acetone and water), 3207–3182 cm−1 (benzene and toluene), and 3207–3183 cm−1 (chloroform and THF) due to CN vibrations is challenging because of the overlapping and appearance of multiple bands in similar regions. Energy gaps for Bendiocarb in different solvents for water (5.719 eV), acetone (5.716 eV), THF (5.722 eV), chloroform (5.724 eV), benzene (5.731 eV), toluene (5.730 eV), and gas phase (5.746 eV). Lipinski’s rule of five was exploited to guide research on drug similarity and oral action. Using docking simulation against the antiallergic protein, a binding energy of −5.22 kcal/mol, 4P5M has been examined. The protein 4P5M exhibits variations between 0.12 and 0.155 nm for RMSD in molecular dynamic simulation. One can infer information about the pharmacokinetic features of the target molecule from its drug similarity, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity properties.
Solvent,MD,Molecular docking,RDG,Fukui,NLO
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