Tracing satellite planes in the Sculptor group: II. Discovery of five faint dwarf galaxies in the DESI Legacy Survey


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The problem of missing satellites still remains one of the well-known problems of the Lambda-CDM cosmological theory. Despite significant progress in cosmological modeling achieved in recent years, the search for new dwarf galaxies-satellites of nearby giant galaxies remains extremely important. In this series of papers we report the first results of an on-going systematic survey of faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the vicinity of the bright late-type spiral NGC 253 galaxy, the brightest member of the Sculptor filament located at a distance of 3.7 Mpc. We performed a new NGC 253 satellite search by means of visual inspection using co-added image cutouts reprocessed in the DESI Legacy image surveys, reaching a very low surface brightness regime (28.0–29.0 mag arcsec-2). Five new dwarf galaxies have been discovered in the vicinity of NGC 253, that we named them Do V, Do VI, Do VII, Do VIII and Do IX. Assuming they are associated to NGC 253, their total absolute V-magnitudes fall in the -7 to -9 mag range, which is typical for dwarf satellites in the local Universe. The central surface brightness tend to be extremely low for all the discovered dwarfs and fall roughly in the range of 25–26 mag arcsec-2 in g-band. We present a new list of galaxies located around the giant spiral NGC 253. With the inclusion of these additional satellites, the overall spatial distribution of the system becomes less flattened and is now broadly consistent with analogs drawn from Lambda-CDM expectations. Interestingly, the distribution appears to be rather lopsided. Yet, firm conclusions on the presence of absence of a correlated satellite structure are hampered since distance information is lacking, the census of observed dwarfs in the system remains far from complete, and spectroscopic velocities are not even available for most known satellites.
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