Tool Fracture Detection in Electromechanical Broaching Through Machine Sensor

Sara Sendino,Leonardo Sastoque-Pinilla,Ander del Olmo, Luis Norberto López de Lacalle

Procedia CIRP(2024)

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Broaching is a machining technique that plays a crucial role in the quality and integrity of manufactured products as it demands superior surface quality and precision compared to other machining methods. Monitoring tool condition is essential, as a damaged tool can significantly affect the quality of the surface finish and integrity of the final part causing irreparable damage to both the part and the work tool.This paper presents the development of a virtual sensor designed for the real-time detection of tool fractures during the broaching process, allowing timely decision-making without generating greater damage to the part or tool. The virtual sensor is created using signals collected from the broaching machine's data, without the need for external sensors; having the potential to improve product quality, increase process efficiency, and reduce material waste as well as production costs by detecting tool fractures early and, therefore, increasing the overall sustainability of the process.
Broaching process,Process monitoring,Tool Fracture,Sensorless approach,Process Sustainability
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