Synthetic Data Pretraining for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution.

IEEE Access(2024)

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Large-scale self-supervised pretraining of deep learning models is known to be critical in several fields, such as language processing, where its has led to significant breakthroughs. Indeed, it is often more impactful than architectural designs. However, the use of self-supervised pretraining lags behind in several domains, such as hyperspectral images, due to data scarcity. This paper addresses the challenge of data scarcity in the development of methods for spatial super-resolution of hyperspectral images (HSI-SR). We show that state-of-the-art HSI-SR methods are severely bottlenecked by the small paired datasets that are publicly available, also leading to unreliable assessment of the architectural merits of the models. We propose to capitalize on the abundance of high resolution (HR) RGB images to develop a self-supervised pretraining approach that significantly improves the quality of HSI-SR models. In particular, we leverage advances in spectral reconstruction methods to create a vast dataset with high spatial resolution and plausible spectra from RGB images, to be used for pretraining HSI-SR methods. Experimental results, conducted across multiple datasets, report large gains for state-of-the-art HSI-SR methods when pretrained according to the proposed procedure, and also highlight the unreliability of ranking methods when training on small datasets.
Hyperspectral Images,Super Resolution,Synthetic Data,Self-Supervised Pretraining,Spectral Reconstruction
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