Don't Waste Your Time: Early Stopping Cross-Validation


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State-of-the-art automated machine learning systems for tabular data often employ cross-validation; ensuring that measured performances generalize to unseen data, or that subsequent ensembling does not overfit. However, using k-fold cross-validation instead of holdout validation drastically increases the computational cost of validating a single configuration. While ensuring better generalization and, by extension, better performance, the additional cost is often prohibitive for effective model selection within a time budget. We aim to make model selection with cross-validation more effective. Therefore, we study early stopping the process of cross-validation during model selection. We investigate the impact of early stopping on random search for two algorithms, MLP and random forest, across 36 classification datasets. We further analyze the impact of the number of folds by considering 3-, 5-, and 10-folds. In addition, we investigate the impact of early stopping with Bayesian optimization instead of random search and also repeated cross-validation. Our exploratory study shows that even a simple-to-understand and easy-to-implement method consistently allows model selection to converge faster; in  94 datasets, on average by  214 model selection to explore the search space more exhaustively by considering +167 overall performance.
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