Identification of Groundwater Prospecting Zones in Hard Rock Terrain Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Pora River Sub Basin, Central India

B.S. Manjare,Vineesha Singh, B.S. Manwatkar, Snehal P. Motghare, Nilesh Ingale

Journal of Geomatics(2024)

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In the present study groundwater prospecting zones (GPZ) have been carried out sing hydrogeological parameter and to delineate the GPZ of Pora River sub basin in hard rock terrain Nagpur districts, Maharashtra, India using satellite data and GIS techniques. For the preparation of groundwater potential map different thematic maps viz. geology, lineaments/fracture, geomorphology, slope and land use/land cover were prepared and assigned with spatial analysis techniques in ARC GIS and assigned values as per their groundwater properties. From the total 122.342 km area the ground water prospect zones the 30.402 km area shows the good category, good to moderate is 25.862 km, moderate 17.592 km, moderate to poor 5.932 km, Poor 6.192 km, Habitation gives 35.702 km and very good to good 0.4353312 km respectively.
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