Improving Global and Math-Specific Teacher–Toddler Interactions through an Intervention for Early Childcare Teachers: The Role of Activity Settings


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This study is part of the ‘EarlyMath’ project, in which two teacher trainings, identical in terms of method and scope, but different in terms of focus and content, were developed to enhance global and math-specific teacher–toddler interactions in early childhood education and care (ECEC). We aimed to answer two questions: (1) Do trainings improve global and math-specific interactions to the same extent and (2) does this improvement vary with activity setting (free play vs. structured activity)? Teachers from 95 toddler classrooms were randomly assigned to three groups: math-specific intervention (MIG), global intervention (GIG), and control (CG). The training was structured through nine modules emphasizing practical aspects, which included video analyses and role-plays. The results showed that the teacher training improved math-specific interactions in the MIG during free play, but not during structured activities. Global interaction quality did not significantly improve in both intervention groups compared to the control group. This study highlights the potential of teacher training to enhance interactions in ECEC by emphasizing the specific role of activity settings.
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