Impact and flexibility support capability estimation model of urban electric vehicles based on the integration of urban traffic network and Urban Distribution Network

Qifang Chen, Yinjuan Xue, Xinran Kang,Mingchao Xia,Fangjian Chen

Energy Reports(2024)

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Electric Vehicle (EV) is regarded as the bridge between Urban Road Network (URN) and Urban Distribution Network (UDN). It can not only make negative impact on power grid, but can also provide flexibility support capability to power grid. Whether the benefit is negative or positive depends on the dynamical behavior of EVs. So with the rapid development of EVs in the urban area, accurate evaluation of both negative impact and flexibility support capability of dispersed EVs in the urban area is very important for V2G application. In order to get the accurate evaluation results, the interaction between transportation system and electric power system should be taken into consideration. In this paper, an estimation model of the impact and flexibility support capability of urban dispersed EVs considering the interaction between URN and UDN is proposed. In order to improve the accuracy of the estimation model, the interaction between URN and UDN is modeled as an integration model based on EV trip chain. It takes EVs’ temporal and spatial dynamic stochastic characteristics into consideration simultaneously and can be used to describe the energy interaction between URN and UDN. An indices set consist of multi-index is proposed to evaluate the impact and flexibility support capability of urban EVs based on the integration model. Three numerical cases are conducted to verify the validity of the proposed model. The results show that the proposed integration model of URN and UDN based on EV trip chain can not only be used to describe the energy interaction between URN and UDN, but also to estimate the impact and flexibility support capability of urban dispersed electric vehicles.
Electric Vehicle,Distribution network,Flexibility supporting,V2G,Impact estimation
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