The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XXVII. The Size and Structure of Globular Cluster Systems and Their Connection to Dark Matter Halos

The Astrophysical Journal(2024)

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We study the size and structure of globular cluster (GC) systems of 118 early-type galaxies from the NGVS, MATLAS, and ACSVCS surveys. Fitting Sérsic profiles, we investigate the relationship between effective radii of GC systems ( R _e _,gc ) and galaxy properties. GC systems are 2–4 times more extended than host galaxies across the entire stellar mass range of our sample (10 ^8.3 M _⊙ < M _* < 10 ^11.6 M _⊙ ). The relationship between R _e _,gc and galaxy stellar mass exhibits a characteristic “knee” at a stellar mass of M _p ≃ 10 ^10.8 , similar to the galaxy R _e –stellar mass relationship. We present a new characterization of the traditional blue and red GC color subpopulations, describing them with respect to host galaxy $(g^{\prime} -i^{\prime} )$ color (Δ _gi ): GCs with similar colors to their hosts have a “red” Δ _gi , and those significantly bluer GCs have a “blue” Δ _gi . The GC populations with red Δ _gi , even in dwarf galaxies, are twice as extended as the stars, suggesting that formation or survival mechanisms favor the outer regions. We find a tight correlation between R _e _,gc and the total number of GCs, with intrinsic scatter ≲0.1 dex spanning two and three orders of magnitude in size and number, respectively. This holds for both red and blue subpopulations, albeit with different slopes. Assuming that N _GC,Total correlates with M _200 , we find that the red GC systems have effective radii of roughly 1%–5% R _200 , while the blue GC systems in massive galaxies can have sizes as large as ∼10% R _200 . Environmental dependence on R _e _,gc is also found, with lower-density environments exhibiting more extended GC systems at fixed mass.
Globular star clusters,Early-type galaxies,Dwarf galaxies,Galaxy formation,Virgo Cluster,Galaxy dark matter halos
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