Impact of pilot-scale microfluidization on soybean protein structure in powder and solution

Andreea Diana Kerezsi,Nicolas Jacquet,Oana Lelia Pop, Ines Othmeni, Antoine Figula, Frédéric Francis,Gaoussou Karamoko, Romdhane Karoui,Christophe Blecker

Food Research International(2024)

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The effect of microfluidization treatment on the primary, secondary, and tertiary structure of soybean protein isolate (SPI) was investigated. The samples were treated with and without controlling the temperature and circulated in the system 1, 3, and 5 times at high pressure (137 MPa). Then, the treated samples were freeze-dried and reconstituted in water to check the impact of the microfluidization on two different states: powder and solution. Regarding the primary structure, the SDS-PAGE analysis under reducing conditions showed that the protein bands remained unchanged when exposed to microfluidization treatment. When the temperature was controlled for the samples in their powder state, a significant decrease in the quantities of β-sheet and random coil and a slight reduction in α-helix content was noticed. The observed decrease in β-sheet and the increase in β-turns in treated samples indicated that microfluidization may lead to protein unfolding, opening the hydrophobic regions. Additionally, a lower amount of α-helix suggests a higher protein flexibility. After reconstitution in water, a significant difference was observed only in β-sheet and β-turn. Related to the tertiary structure, microfluidization increases the surface hydrophobicity. Among all the conditions tested, the samples where the temperature is controlled seem the most suitable.
Shearing process,Protein modification,Structural changes
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