FIGURE 2 from <i>De Novo</i> Purine Metabolism is a Metabolic Vulnerability of Cancers with Low p16 Expression


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p16/CDKN2A negatively correlates with multiple nucleotide metabolism genes, proteins, and metabolites. A–D, SKMEL28 human melanoma cells were infected with lentivirus expressing a shRNA targeting p16 (shp16). shGFP was used as a control (shCont). A, Expression of the 128 nucleotide metabolism gene signature from RNA-seq. Raw data can be found in Supplementary Table S6. B, Polysome fractionation was performed and both the heavy fraction (>2 ribosomes) and total mRNA were sequenced. The ratio of heavy to total was used to assess transcripts with increased translation. Raw data can be found in Supplementary Table S7. C, Genes that are transcriptionally or translationally upregulated in shp16 SKMEL28 cells. D, Expression of the indicated proteins by proteomics. E and F, DepMap data of cutaneous melanoma cell lines. E, mRNA expression of 23 genes identified in the CRISPR screens. F, Protein expression of genes identified in the CRISPR screens. Note only 20 proteins were found in the DepMap data. G, Steady-state metabolite profile of one carbon metabolites and purines.

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