Universal scaling law for chiral antiferromagnetism.

Nature communications(2024)

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The chiral antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials, which have been widely investigated due to their rich physics, such as non-zero Berry phase and topology, provide a platform for the development of antiferromagnetic spintronics. Here, we find two distinctive anomalous Hall effect (AHE) contributions in the chiral AFM Mn3Pt, originating from a time-reversal symmetry breaking induced intrinsic mechanism and a skew scattering induced topological AHE due to an out-of-plane spin canting with respect to the Kagome plane. We propose a universal AHE scaling law to explain the AHE resistivity ( ρ A H ) in this chiral magnet, with both a scalar spin chirality (SSC)-induced skew scattering topological AHE term, a s k and non-collinear spin-texture induced intrinsic anomalous Hall term, b i n . We found that a s k and b i n can be effectively modulated by the interfacial electron scattering, exhibiting a linear relation with the inverse film thickness. Moreover, the scaling law can explain the anomalous Hall effect in various chiral magnets and has far-reaching implications for chiral-based spintronics devices.
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