Perinatal mortality, severe maternal morbidity and maternal near miss: protocol of a study integrated with the Birth in Brazil II survey.

Cadernos de saude publica(2024)

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Brazil presents high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Cases of severe maternal morbidity, maternal near miss, and perinatal deaths are important health indicators and share the same determinants, being closely related to living conditions and quality of perinatal care. This article aims to present the study protocol to estimate the perinatal mortality rate and the incidence of severe maternal morbidity and maternal near miss in the country, identifying its determinants. Cross-sectional study integrated into the research Birth in Brazil II, conducted from 2021 to 2023. This study will include 155 public, mixed and private maternities, accounting for more than 2,750 births per year, participating in the Birth in Brazil II survey. We will collect retrospective data from maternal and neonatal records of all hospitalizations within a 30-day period in these maternities, applying a screening form to identify cases of maternal morbidity and perinatal deaths. Medical record data of all identified cases will be collected after hospital discharge, using a standardized instrument. Cases of severe maternal morbidity and maternal near miss will be classified based on the definition adopted by the World Health Organization. The perinatal deaths rate and the incidence of severe maternal morbidity and maternal near miss will be estimated. Cases will be compared to controls obtained in the Birth in Brazil II survey, matched by hospital and duration of pregnancy, in order to identify factors associated with negative outcomes. Results are expected to contribute to the knowledge on maternal morbidity and perinatal deaths in Brazil, as well as the development of strategies to improve care.
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