Health care itineraries for women in situations of abortion: methodological aspects of a qualitative study for Birth in Brazil II survey.

Cadernos de saude publica(2024)

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In recent decades, several academic studies on abortion have been produced in Brazil, with different designs, objectives, and methodologies. However, due to the diversity of situations in which Brazilian women experience abortion, the complexity of this topic, and its modulations in different political and sociocultural contexts, it still challenges academicians and the fields of health and reproductive rights. In this article, we present methodological aspects of a qualitative study on health care itineraries of women in situations of abortion, a component of the Birth in Brazil II survey, whose objective is to discuss the effects of gender; race/ethnicity; social class; generational, regional, and territorial inequalities on care itineraries. We discuss the study design development, the construction of the theoretical framework and specific analytical axes, the development of interview instrument, definition of participant selection criteria, strategies to contact participants and conduct the interviews, management of field work and materials produced, analytical procedures, and ethical issues. In total, 120 narrative interviews were conducted in order to include a diversity of women and obtain detailed results from the quantitative analysis under Birth in Brazil II survey. The context of criminalization of abortion has an impact on the production of knowledge on this subject, creating challenges such as difficult access to women, women's anonymity, privacy and data confidentiality, creation of objective and subjective conditions so that they can narrate their experiences in depth. With this article, we seek to contribute to the debate about these challenges in abortion research in Brazil.
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