
Perception of online interprofessional education among pharmacy and medical students in tertiary university

Ganesh Sritheran Paneerselvam, Muhamad Junaid Farrukh, Long Chaiu Ming,Andi Hermansyah

Pharmacy Education(2024)

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Background: The COVID-19 crisis impacted the educational system worldwide, which shifted from face-to-face sessions to online learning modes. However, online delivery should not jeopardise the outcome of students learning from interprofessional education (IPE) and should integrate students from different professional backgrounds closer. Objective: To identify the perception of medical and pharmacy students towards online IPE activity at Taylor’s University, Malaysia. Method: An online cross-sectional questionnaire was distributed to second and fourth-year students from the medical and pharmacy programmes. Students were considered to have a positive perception if their total score was above the median score. Result: More than half of the students (53.6%) showed positive perceptions towards the online IPE programme. Medical students had the highest percentage of students (54.9%) showing greater positive perceptions compared to pharmacy students (52.7%). Both health sciences students possessed the highest score on all the SPICE instrument’s domains. Conclusion: This discovery offers valuable insights into the interprofessional competency of students engaged in online IPE activities at their current academic level. It underscores the imperative of integrating online IPE activities into the curriculum design to equip students with the competence necessary for effective collaboration within an interprofessional team.
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