Acute and Complicated Inflammatory Pericarditis: A Guide to Contemporary Practice

Awais A. Malik, James W. Lloyd,Nandan S. Anavekar,Sushil Allen Luis

Mayo Clinic Proceedings(2024)

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Inflammatory disease of the pericardium represents a relatively common presentation, especially among the young. For the most part, inflammatory pericardial disease can be expeditiously and effectively managed without significant sequelae. However, some individuals present with severe and recurrent illness, representing significant therapeutic challenges. During the past decade, there have been great strides made in developing an evidence-based approach to management of inflammatory pericardial disease, the result of which has been the development of (1) a systematic, protocoled approach to initial care; (2) targeted therapeutics; and (3) specialized, collaborative, and integrated care pathways. Herein we present a review of the current state of the art as it pertains to the diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic considerations in inflammatory pericardial disease with a focus on acute and complicated pericarditis.
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