Diversity and Flight Patterns of Caddisflies (Trichoptera) in an Atlantic Forest Fragment: Implications for Species Conservation in Threatened Ecosystems

Neotropical Entomology(2024)

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Anthropogenic activities have decimated the Atlantic Forest domain (AF) and increased the pressure on freshwater biota, such as Trichoptera, which is the most affected order by the current insect decline. Adult mobility is crucial for the colonisation of new environments unconnected by water sources. In this article, we describe the assemblage of caddisflies in a preserved AF fragment related to their functional feeding group and provide empirical data on the patterns of horizontal and vertical flight. Adults were collected using white sheet and light attraction traps, placed at different distances and heights from a stream in Pernambuco, Brazil. A total of 2934 specimens of 15 species from five families were collected, mostly collector-filterers. Horizontal flight was limited, with 80
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Inland flight,Protected area,Riparian forest,Sex ratio,Vertical stratification
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