Integrative Approaches for Cancer Pain Management

Reema Sabeeha Martini, Terrell Brown,Vinita Singh,Anna Woodbury

Current Oncology Reports(2024)

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The goal of this review is to summarize updates to the broad array of complementary therapies available for cancer pain. This paper will serve as a reference for clinicians managing pain in cancer patients. Patients are embracing integrative therapies in growing numbers; clinicians must be prepared to incorporate these therapies into patients’ existing treatment regimens. This requires knowledge regarding risks, benefits, and potential interactions with existing cancer therapies. Integrative cancer pain management strategies have shown promise, with several proven effective for the management of cancer pain. Energy therapies, including acupuncture, and biologicals and nutraceuticals including overall diet and vitamin D, have the highest level of evidence for efficacy. The remaining therapies discussed in this chapter may be beneficial for patients on a case-by-case basis; risks and benefits of each individual therapy as described in the text must be further assessed in future rigorous trials to further clarify the role of these complementary therapies in cancer pain management.
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Key words
Integrative,Complementary,Alternative,Acupuncture,Yoga,Cancer pain
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