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Exploring system size dependence of jet modification in heavy-ion collisions

Yang He, Mengxue Zhang,Maowu Nie,Shanshan Cao,Li Yi


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In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, jet quenching in quark-gluon plasma (QGP) has been extensively studied, revealing important insights into the properties of the color deconfined nuclear matter. Over the past decade, there has been a surge of interest in the exploration of QGP droplets in small collision systems like p+p or p+A collisions driven by the observation of collective flow phenomena. However, the absence of jet quenching, a key QGP signature, in these systems poses a puzzle. Understanding how jet quenching evolves with system size is crucial for uncovering the underlying physics. In this study, we employ the linear Boltzmann transport (LBT) model to investigate jet modification in ^96Ru+^96Ru, ^96Zr+^96Zr, and ^197Au+^197Au collisions at √(s_NN)=200 GeV. Our findings highlight the system size sensitivity exhibited by jet nuclear modification factor (R_AA) and jet shape (ρ), contrasting to the relatively weak responses of jet mass (M), girth (g) and momentum dispersion (p_TD) to system size variations. These results offer invaluable insights into the system size dependence of the QGP properties and to be validated experimentally at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider.
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