Analysis of relaxation processes and low frequency dispersion of soil contaminated

E. Chahid, A. Mortadi, R. Mghaiouini, A. Elmelouky,R. El Moznine, M. Monkade

Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration(2024)

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The study investigates soil contamination by metal trace elements (MTEs) in areas impacted by wastewater discharge, emphasizing the importance of understanding both bioavailability and mobility for a comprehensive assessment. Three soil samples, corresponding to different distances from wastewater entry points into a lake, were analyzed using a combination of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) methods and impedance spectroscopy. The results revealed contrasting concentrations of harmful elements in wastewater and soil, with heavy metals accumulating in soils. The impedance spectroscopy analysis, incorporating complex dielectric spectroscopy and equivalent circuit modeling, provided insights into the electrical properties of the soil samples. The observed correlation between relaxation times, dielectric parameters, and pollutant concentrations enhances our understanding of the environmental impact, emphasizing the need for a multidimensional approach to soil contamination studies.
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Key words
Soil,Dielectric permittivity,Electrical conductivity,Relaxation processes,Low-frequency dispersion,Soil contamination
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