A new model for bubble cluster dynamics in a viscoelastic media

Xiaozhuo Shen,Pengfei Wu,Weijun Lin

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry(2024)

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Bubble cluster dynamics in viscoelastic media is instructive for ultrasound diagnosis and therapy. In this paper, we propose a statistical model for bubble cluster dynamics in viscoelastic media considering the radius distribution of bubble nuclei. By investigating and comparing the response for a bubble in three conditions: single bubble; multi-bubble with the same radius; multi-bubble with different radius, the following rules are found: The promotion or suppression of the bubble cluster on the bubble vibration is not monotonous with the increase of the number of bubbles. The promotion or suppression of the bubble cluster on the bubble vibration varies alternately with the frequency. The effect of bubble cluster on bubble vibration is mostly suppressed when the driving acoustic pressure amplitude pa is high (5000 kPa). Usually, the bubble cluster promotes the vibration of the large bubbles (R0 = 10 μm) more, or suppresses it less.
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Key words
Bubble dynamics,Viscoelasticity,Bubble–bubble interactions,Bubble cluster dynamics
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