Timescale correlation of shallow trap states increases electrochemiluminescence efficiency in carbon nitrides.

Nature communications(2024)

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Highly efficient interconversion of different types of energy plays a crucial role in both science and technology. Among them, electrochemiluminescence, an emission of light excited by electrochemical reactions, has drawn attention as a powerful tool for bioassays. Nonetheless, the large differences in timescale among diverse charge-transfer pathways from picoseconds to seconds significantly limit the electrochemiluminescence efficiency and hamper their broad applications. Here, we report a timescale coordination strategy to improve the electrochemiluminescence efficiency of carbon nitrides by engineering shallow electron trap states via Au-N bond functionalization. Quantitative electrochemiluminescence kinetics measurements and theoretic calculations jointly disclose that Au-N bonds endow shallow electron trap states, which coordinate the timescale of the fast electron transfer in the bulk emitter and the slow redox reaction of co-reagent at diffusion layers. The shallow electron trap states ultimately accelerate the rate and kinetics of emissive electron-hole recombination, setting a new cathodic electrochemiluminescence efficiency record of carbon nitrides, and empowering a visual electrochemiluminescence sensor for nitrite ion, a typical environmental contaminant, with superior detection range and limit.
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