Seasonal variation of mesoscale eddy intensity in the global ocean

Acta Oceanologica Sinica(2024)

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Mesoscale eddies are a prominent oceanic phenomenon that plays an important role in oceanic mass transport and energy conversion. Characterizing by rotational speed, the eddy intensity is one of the most fundamental properties of an eddy. However, the seasonal spatiotemporal variation in eddy intensity has not been examined from a global ocean perspective. In this study, we unveil the seasonal spatiotemporal characteristics of eddy intensity in the global ocean by using the latest satellite-altimetry-derived eddy trajectory data set. The results suggest that the eddy intensity has a distinct seasonal variation, reaching a peak in spring while attaining a minimum in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere. The seasonal variation of eddy intensity is more intense in the tropical-subtropical transition zones within latitudinal bands between 15° and 30° in the western Pacific Ocean, the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, and the eastern Indian Ocean because baroclinic instability in these areas changes sharply. Further analysis found that the seasonal variation of baroclinic instability precedes the eddy intensity by a phase of 2–3 months due to the initial perturbations needing time to grow into mesoscale eddies.
seasonal variation,mesoscale eddy,intensity,baroclinic instability,global ocean
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