A New Sparse Collaborative Low-Rank Prior Knowledge Representation for Thick Cloud Removal in Remote Sensing Images

Remote Sensing(2024)

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Efficiently removing clouds from remote sensing imagery presents a significant challenge, yet it is crucial for a variety of applications. This paper introduces a novel sparse function, named the tri-fiber-wise sparse function, meticulously engineered for the targeted tasks of cloud detection and removal. This function is adept at capturing cloud characteristics across three dimensions, leveraging the sparsity of mode-1, -2, and -3 fibers simultaneously to achieve precise cloud detection. By incorporating the concept of tensor multi-rank, which describes the global correlation, we have developed a tri-fiber-wise sparse-based model that excels in both detecting and eliminating clouds from images. Furthermore, to ensure that the cloud-free information accurately matches the corresponding areas in the observed data, we have enhanced our model with an extended box-constraint strategy. The experiments showcase the notable success of the proposed method in cloud removal. This highlights its potential and utility in enhancing the accuracy of remote sensing imagery.
cloud removal,sparse,low rank,box constraint
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