Performant near-term quantum combinatorial optimization

Titus D. Morris,Phillip C. Lotshaw


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We present a variational quantum algorithm for solving combinatorial optimization problems with linear-depth circuits. Our algorithm uses an ansatz composed of Hamiltonian generators designed to control each term in the target combinatorial function, along with parameter updates following a modified version of quantum imaginary time evolution. We evaluate this ansatz in numerical simulations that target solutions to the MAXCUT problem. The state evolution is shown to closely mimic imaginary time evolution, and its optimal-solution convergence is further improved using adaptive transformations of the classical Hamiltonian spectrum, while resources are minimized by pruning optimized gates that are close to the identity. With these innovations, the algorithm consistently converges to optimal solutions, with interesting highly-entangled dynamics along the way. This performant and resource-minimal approach is a promising candidate for potential quantum computational advantages on near-term quantum computing hardware.
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