
Study on the fracture behavior in clayey geomaterials under moisture diffusion by phase field modeling

Computers and Geotechnics(2024)

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Clayey geomaterials are prone to cracking under changing moisture conditions, which substantially compromises their engineering properties. When moisture intrusion and boundary constraints act in tandem on geomaterials, the relevance of multi-physics field processes to complex cracking phenomena remains underexplored. To provide deeper insight into the effect of moisture transport on the cracking behavior of clayey geomaterials, a theoretical model for moisture-induced fracture is proposed. The model combines moisture diffusion, volume deformation dependent on moisture conditions, and phase field fracture, and is solved using the finite element method with a user-defined element subroutine. The developed subroutine is applied to simulate soil desiccation experiments and mudstone water absorption tests. The results reveal that moisture gradients induce non-uniform expansion or shrinkage within the clayey geomaterials. The neighboring geomaterial particles mutually constrain these deformations, resulting in an internal stress field that serves as the primary cause of cracking. Stability and sensitivity analyses validate the reliability of the numerical framework. The proposed model can effectively simulate crack initiation, extension, and convergence during humidification or desiccation processes in both two and three dimensions. This study charts a feasible path for numerical simulation and mechanical mechanism exploration of cracking behaviors in clayey geomaterials during water migration.
Clayey geomaterials,Moisture diffusion,Humidification or desiccation,Phase field model,Cracking behavior
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