P034 Lessons and feedback from a patient event: Salford Scleroderma Open Day 2023


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Abstract Background/Aims The 2023 Scleroderma Open Day at Salford Royal Hospital coincided with World Scleroderma Day on June 29, and was organised by the hospital's dedicated Scleroderma team. The Open Day featured a rich program; informative expert talks, a first-hand account from a scleroderma patient, and an array of stalls offering invaluable tips, information, and important contacts. Attendees, comprising patients and their friends and family, actively engaged in the event and provided feedback through forms distributed during the event. Methods The feedback forms employed in this study encompassed a wide spectrum of vital information, including demographic details of attendees, their holistic evaluations of the event, preferences for event duration, assessments of lecture quality, convenience, and reflections on the efficacy of face-to-face event delivery. Moreover, attendees were encouraged to share their perspectives on potential themes for future Open Days and express their willingness to participate in forthcoming research initiatives. Results The assessment of different facets of the Open Day on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (very good) revealed remarkable attendee satisfaction (Table 1). Lectures received an admirable mean rating of 4.3 (SD = 0.57). The venue itself was highly appreciated, with an impressive mean rating of 4.7 (SD = 0.57), indicating the success of the hospital as a welcoming host. The choice of face-to-face delivery over online alternatives was favourably endorsed, earning a mean rating of 4.4 (SD = 0.55). It is noteworthy that more than half (60%) of attendees rated the Open Day as ‘good’ (4/5), while a remarkable 40% rated the Open Day as ‘exceptional’ (5/5). Conclusion The Scleroderma Open Day at Salford Royal Hospital proved highly successful in providing valuable information on scleroderma, management, and access to additional resources for patients and their loved ones. A significant proportion of attendees expressed interest in participating in future research endeavours, promising a brighter outlook for scleroderma research and care. Potential topics for upcoming events, including the effects of scleroderma on organs, oral and dental health, and medication side effects, were also identified, offering a roadmap for addressing the evolving needs of the scleroderma community. Disclosure M. Corotana: None. M. Samaranayaka: None. G. Dinsdale: None. M. Hughes: None. L. Johnson: None. E. Wragg: None.
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