Person and Environment Factors Supporting Self-Care Performance and Social Participation After Mild Stroke


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Mild stroke survivors seldom receive occupational therapy services as their deficits are assumed to be minor enough to not affect their daily occupations. Yet many mild stroke survivors report deficits in self-care performance and social participation. This study investigates person and environment factors influencing self-care performance and social participation among mild stroke survivors, using the Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance (PEOP) model. A retrospective cohort analysis of 736 mild stroke survivors was conducted using electronic health records. Person factors included demographic characteristics and clinical characteristics, and environment factors included the Social Vulnerability Index. The analysis included logistic regression. Approximately, 10% of patients reported deficits in self-care or social participation. Disability level was the only person factor associated with self-care performance. Person factors affecting social participation included mobility and unemployment. Socioeconomic status was associated with both occupation measures. Occupational therapy practitioners must address the person and environment factors affecting mild stroke survivors' self-care performance and social participation. Person and Environment Factors Supporting Mild Stroke Survivors' Ability to Take Care of Themselves and Their Social LivesThis study looked at what happens to people after they have had a mild stroke. We wanted to find out what makes some people independent in taking care of themselves and able to socialize after a mild stroke, whereas others have more difficulty. To do this, we looked at many factors that were measured in the patients' hospital record, such as age, type of stroke, and where they live. We used their address to determine information about their neighborhood and how that may affect their independence and social lives. We found that patients who were less disabled had an easier time taking care of themselves. We found that patients who had difficulty moving or were unemployed had difficulty with their social lives. A patient's social life was also associated with whether they got therapy. Patients who lived in low-income neighborhoods had difficulties with taking care of themselves and with their social lives. Occupational therapists must understand the importance of addressing these factors when supporting patients with a mild stroke with their ability to take care of themselves and engage in their social lives.
rehabilitation,stroke,regression analysis,functional outcomes,social participation
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