The Dutch Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation Registry: progress report on the quest to identify the unidentifiable

Netherlands Heart Journal(2024)

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Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (iVF) is a rare cause of sudden cardiac arrest and, by definition, a diagnosis of exclusion. Due to the rarity of the disease, previous and current studies are limited by their retrospective design and small patient numbers. Even though the incidence of iVF has declined owing to the identification of new disease entities, an important subgroup of patients remains. To expand the existing Dutch iVF Registry into a large nationwide cohort of patients initially diagnosed with iVF, to reveal the underlying cause of iVF in these patients, and to improve arrhythmia management. The Dutch iVF Registry includes sudden cardiac arrest survivors with an initial diagnosis of iVF. Clinical data and outcomes are collected. Outcomes include subsequent detection of a diagnosis other than ‘idiopathic’, arrhythmia recurrence and death. Non-invasive electrocardiographic imaging is used to investigate electropathological substrates and triggers of VF. To date, 432 patients have been included in the registry (median age at event 40 years (interquartile range 28–52)), 61
Sudden cardiac arrest,Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation,Diagnostics,Follow-up
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