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Polyp size measurement during colonoscopy using a virtual scale: variability and systematic differences.

Querijn N E van Bokhorst,Britt B S L Houwen,Yark Hazewinkel,Manon van der Vlugt, Hanneke Beaumont,Joep Grootjans, Arjan van Tilburg, Marlou P M Adriaanse,Barbara A J Bastiaansen, Yvette H van Beurden, Maxime E S Bronzwaer, Brecht W E Hens, Lowiek M Hubers, Gem M Kramer, Selma J Lekkerkerker, Berrie Meijer,Fraukje A Ponds,Dewkoemar Ramsoekh,Paul Fockens,Patrick M M Bossuyt,Evelien Dekker


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BACKGROUND:Accurate polyp size measurement is important for polyp risk stratification and decision-making regarding polypectomy and surveillance. Recently, a virtual scale (VS) function has been developed that allows polyp size measurement through projection of an adaptive VS onto colorectal polyps during real-time endoscopy. We aimed to evaluate the VS in terms of variability and systematic differences. METHODS:We conducted a video-based study with 120 colorectal polyps, measured by eight dedicated colorectal gastroenterologists (experts) and nine gastroenterology residents following endoscopy training (trainees). Three endoscopic measurement methods were compared: (1) visual, (2) snare and (3) VS measurement. We evaluated the method-specific variance (as measure of variability) in polyp size measurements and systematic differences between these methods. RESULTS:Variance in polyp size measurements was significantly lower for VS measurements compared to visual and snare measurements for both experts (0.52 vs. 1.59 and 1.96, p<0.001) and trainees (0.59 vs. 2.21 and 2.53, p<0.001). VS measurement resulted in a higher percentage of polyps assigned to the same size category by all endoscopists compared to visual and snare measurements (experts: 69% vs. 55% and 59%; trainees: 67% vs. 51% and 47%) and reduced the maximum difference between individual endoscopists regarding the percentage of polyps assigned to the >10 mm size category (experts: 1.7% vs. 10.0% and 5.0%; trainees: 2.5% vs. 6.7% and 11.7%). Systematic differences between methods were <0.5 mm. Conclusions Use of the VS leads to lower polyp size measurement variability and more uniform polyp sizing by individual endoscopists compared to visual and snare measurements.
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