An investigation into augmentation and preprocessing for optimising X-ray classification in limited datasets: a case study on necrotising enterocolitis

Franciszek Nowak, Ka-Wai Yung,Jayaram Sivaraj, Paolo De Coppi,Danail Stoyanov, Stavros Loukogeorgakis,Evangelos B. Mazomenos

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery(2024)

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Obtaining large volumes of medical images, required for deep learning development, can be challenging in rare pathologies. Image augmentation and preprocessing offer viable solutions. This work explores the case of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), a rare but life-threatening condition affecting premature neonates, with challenging radiological diagnosis. We investigate data augmentation and preprocessing techniques and propose two optimised pipelines for developing reliable computer-aided diagnosis models on a limited NEC dataset. We present a NEC dataset of 1090 Abdominal X-rays (AXRs) from 364 patients and investigate the effect of geometric augmentations, colour scheme augmentations and their combination for NEC classification based on the ResNet-50 backbone. We introduce two pipelines based on colour contrast and edge enhancement, to increase the visibility of subtle, difficult-to-identify, critical NEC findings on AXRs and achieve robust accuracy in a challenging three-class NEC classification task. Our results show that geometric augmentations improve performance, with Translation achieving +6.2
Data augmentation,Preprocessing,Necrotising enterocolitis,X-ray imaging
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