Escape room: escape games as a science learning tool

Rubiane Duarte Masulc, Josias de Paula Oliveira, Maria de Lourdes Siqueira Confort,Estaner Claro Romão

European Journal of Special Education Research(2024)

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This article used the Escape Room game as a tool for teaching science, which was adapted to be carried out in a remote classroom. The objective was to propose the development of this game as a remote learning strategy, contributing to fostering scientific knowledge through the playful activity of solving challenges and enigmas. The research methodology used was a case study, having been developed in a private school, with 19 students from a 7th-grade elementary school class. Data collection was carried out using two instruments, with observations made during the application of the game and then a qualitative questionnaire. As a result, it was observed that this game provided students with the necessary conditions for meaningful, dynamic, and innovative learning, motivating them to be the protagonists of new knowledge, face challenges, seeking solutions through an active methodology based on solving problems.

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