A High-Quality Sample Generation Method for Improving Steel Surface Defect Inspection

Yu He, Shuai Li, Xin Wen,Jing Xu


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Defect inspection is a critical task in ensuring the surface quality of steel plates. Deep neural networks have the potential to achieve excellent inspection accuracy if defect samples are sufficient. Nevertheless, it is very different to collect enough samples using cameras alone. To a certain extent, generative models can alleviate this problem but poor sample quality can greatly affect the final inspection performance. A sample generation method, which employs a generative adversarial network (GAN), is proposed to generate high-quality defect samples for training accurate inspection models. To improve generation quality, we propose a production-and-elimination, two-stage sample generation process by simulating the formation of defects on the surface of steel plates. The production stage learns to generate defects on defect-free background samples, and the elimination stage learns to erase defects on defective samples. By minimizing the differences between the samples at both stages, the proposed model can make generated background samples close to real ones while guiding the generated defect samples to be more realistic. Experimental results show that the proposed method has the ability to generate high-quality samples that can help train powerful inspection models and thereby improve inspection performance.
defect sample generation,generative adversarial network (GAN),production-and-elimination,defect inspection
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