Defeating Evasive Malware with Peekaboo: Extracting Authentic Malware Behavior with Dynamic Binary Instrumentation


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Abstract The accuracy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in malware detection is dependent on the features it is trained with, where the quality and authenticity of these features is dependent on the dataset and the analysis tool. Evasive malware, that alters its behavior in analysis environments, is challenging to extract authentic features from where widely used static and dynamic analysis tools have several limitations. However, Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) allows deep and precise control of the malware sample, thereby facilitating the extraction of authentic behavior from evasive malware. Considering the limitations of malware analysis for use with AI, this research had two primary objectives: investigation of the evasive techniques used by modern malware and the creation of Peekaboo, a DBI tool to extract authentic data from live malware samples. Peekaboo instruments and defeats evasive techniques that target analysis tools and virtual environments. A dataset of 20,500 samples was assembled and each sample was run for up to 15 minutes to observe not only the anti-analysis techniques used but also its complete behavior. Peekaboo outperforms other tools on several fronts, it is the only tool to measure start and completion rates, capture the executed Assembly (ASM) instructions, record all network traffic and implements the largest coverage against evasive techniques.
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