Modern ways to overcome antibiotic resistance and prospects for the use of nk cells as agents of antibacterial therapy

Polina Vladimirovna Grebenkina, Varvara Alekseevna Jukhina, Ananstasia Maksimovna Gulina,Sergey Alekseevich Selkov,Lyudmila Alexandrovna Kraeva, Dmitriy Igorevich Sokolov

Медицинская иммунология(2019)

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Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter spp. represent ESKAPE group, which is characterized by the greatest resistance to antibiotics. Due to the wide spread of pathogens and their danger to the health care system, the search for new ways to treat bacterial infections remains relevant.Antibiotics were first obtained in the early twentieth century, but their widespread use began during the Second World War. To date, the range of antibacterial drugs is wide, but despite this, the problem of bacterial resistance to them is acute.An urgent task of modern science is considered to be the search for overcoming the resistance of bacteria to antibacterial drugs. Since the search for new classes of substances is a long and expensive process, combined drug regimens are used, methods of delivering antibiotics to the source of infection in the body are modified, the structure of the active substance molecules is changed, and adjuvants are used.NK cells are traditionally considered as part of antitumor or antiviral immunity. However, due to the appearance of data indicating the presence of antibacterial proteins in them and the ability to exhibit cytotoxicity against cells infected with intracellular prokaryotic organisms, today they can be considered as a component of antibacterial immunity.NK-92 cells reproduce the characteristics of NK cells and have similar properties. In addition, the possibility of their use as a component of antitumor therapy is being actively studied, and clinical trials are being conducted at different stages. In combination with the antibacterial properties of NK cells and the facts described above, it becomes possible to use NK-92 cells as an adjuvant in the antimicrobial therapy of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.The review presents data on the possibility of using the NK-92 cell line and the microvesicles produced by them to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria of ESKAPE group. Currently, there is not enough research in this area, but data on NK cells presented in the review allow us to propose a cell line reproducing their characteristics and the MV produced by them as a promising adjuvant of antibacterial therapy.
nk cells,antibiotics,eskape,microvesicles,bacteria,resistance.
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