An improved analysis method for assessing the nuclear-heating impact on the stability of toroidalfield magnets in fusion reactors

Nuclear Science and Techniques(2024)

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The superconducting magnet system of a fusion reactor plays a vital role in plasma confinement, a processthat can be disrupted by various operational factors. A critical parameter for evaluating the temperature marginof superconducting magnets during normal operation is the nuclear heating caused by D-T neutrons. This studyinvestigates the impact of nuclear heating on a superconducting magnet system by employing an improvedanalysis method that combines neutronics and thermal hydraulics.In the magnet system, toroidal field (TF) magnets are positioned closest to the plasma and bear the highestnuclear-heat load, making them prime candidates for evaluating the influence of nuclear heating on stability.To enhance the modeling accuracy and facilitate design modifications, a parametric TF model that incorporatesheterogeneity is established to expedite the optimization design process and enhance the accuracy of the computations. A comparative analysis with a homogeneous TF model reveals that the heterogeneous model improvesaccuracy by over 12%. Considering factors such as heat load, magnetic-field strength, and cooling conditions,the cooling circuit facing the most severe conditions is selected to calculate the temperature of the superconductor. This selection streamlines the workload associated with thermal-hydraulic analysis. This approach enablesa more efficient and precise evaluation of the temperature margin of TF magnets. Moreover, it offers insightsthat can guide the optimization of both the structure and cooling strategy of superconducting magnet systems.
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Key words
Superconducting magnet,Nuclear heating,Neutronics,Thermal hydraulics
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