Экспресс-анализ квазипериодических импульсов окислительно-восстановительного потенциала подземных вод берега Байкала при мониторинге в режиме реального времени (07–14 февраля 2024 г.)

S.V. Snopkov,S.V. Rasskazov, I.A. Aslamov, V.I. Archipenko, A.M. Ilyasova, E.P. Chebykin

Geology and Environment(2024)

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Real-time groundwater monitoring on a shore of Lake Baikal reveals peculiar effects in the form of quasi-periodic negative ORP pulses with varying time intervals and a decrease in ORP relative to the background during the week of February 2024. We perform an express analysis of the observed effects and pay attention to their occurrence during increasing air temperature. At the beginning of the observation interval, we determine the regime of initial ORP pulses, which occur in conditions of a slightly increasing air temperature, then the middle one in a conventionally-optimal regime in conditions of significant warming, and the final regime of retrograde evolution in cooling conditions. The revealed regularities in changes of pauses between pulses and amplitudes of ORP reductions relative to the background form the basis for the analysis of ongoing effects.
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