ZeroMedChain: Layer 2 Security and Zero-knowledge Proof Integration for Decentralized Identity and Access Management in Healthcare

2024 11th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)(2024)

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With the rise of healthcare digitization, it has become a critical priority to safeguard patient privacy and ensure data security. Conventional methods of data access control mechanisms have proven to be insufficient in the dynamic management of patient data access with a fine-grained access control mechanism. In this paper, we have proposed ZeroMedChain which explores an innovative solution for enhancing the security of medical records in the field of healthcare. The proposed paper makes use of Layer 2 security measures and Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technologies. Since the basic focus of the paper is decentralized identity and access management, we have integrated Zero-knowledge Proof with a layer of privacy that permits the patients to share the necessary medical details without revealing their identity. Further, the simulation carried out of the proposed ZeroMedChain along with the conventional consensus algorithm of Proof-of-work proved that ZeroMedChain has better time complexity by 34%.
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Patients,Privacy,Data Security,Zero-Knowledge Proof,Layer 2 security
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